PRESTIGE MODEL AGENCY - Work abroad for girls

Push, don't pull

We will select and arrange housing for you. Arrived - settled.


From you - only a passport and money, we will do the rest ourselves.

Our managers

Our pride! They will tell and show everything, they will help in any situation

You have the whole world at your fingertips

A huge list of countries where you can go. It all depends on your skills


Come back and look at those happy faces. All these girls are just like YOU! Each has its own unique story and reasons why they decided to come. Take a look at their results. Make up your mind and become a part of our big friendly family Prestige Model Agency.
Join us!

Fill out an application

Well, where without our wonderful managers

Adel Zainullina
Inna Kirillova
Katrin Solnechnaya
Asya Anosova


We, Prestige Agency, invite you to make a substantial change in your life today💫 and earn a significant income 💵 by working abroad. Citizenship and knowledge of languages do not matter. If you are a woman aged 18-35 with an attractive appearance, then this is your opportunity for a fresh start.

Prestige Agency vacancies

Working as a female model offers a wide range of options. Women with a model-like appearance can work abroad in various roles, such as:

Interestingly, there are always opportunities for additional earnings. Our beautiful dancers, who perform in clubs in the UAE and Turkey, are often invited by patrons to their tables, treating them to exquisite dishes and generously tipping. Working as a model, similar to that of a waitress, isn’t limited to just a basic salary under the contract.

You can also find orders for models for fittings, advertising, online stores, and other enticing opportunities. We continuously update our database of models and employers, personally verifying working conditions.

Prestige Model Agency –  International Accounts

Still believe it’s impossible for Russians to find employment abroad without a good command of English and substantial income? Check out our vacancies; they will surely change your mind.

Various countries are seeking party models, with numerous opportunities offered by employers in China, Spain, the USA, UAE, and Turkey. We can help girls secure contracts in Estonia, Belgium, Japan, Greece, and even Cyprus. Our modeling agency not only lets you travel the world but also enables you to earn good money.

Prestige Agency – Model Requirements

Opportunities for working aboard  are suitable for women aged 18 to 30 with well-groomed skin and hair, a good figure, a confident model gait, and courage – all that is necessary for the job.

The collaboration process unfolds as follows:

  • The applicant completes a form.

  • The manager selects suitable vacancies.

  • Together, we sign a contract with the employer.

  • We assist with visa processing and flight arrangements.

  • We accompany you throughout the duration of the contract.

Models are required to adhere to the specified conditions. Additional skills, knowledge of foreign languages, and experience in the modeling industry are not necessary.

Prestige Modeling Agency benefits

Working with our modeling agency is straightforward. A manager will contact the applicant after the questionnaire is filled out and provide a comprehensive consultation. The specialist will guide you through the process of signing a contract, assist with visa acquisition, and book your travel. Our extensive experience allows us to clearly explain how you can comply with the terms of cooperation in a specific country and field of activity.

The advantages of our agency are unique because:

  • We secure competitive rates in any country.

  • We select a fellow traveler-model to ensure that girls are not alone or uncomfortable during their journey.

  • We provide support throughout the contract duration.

  • We add the girls’ data to our database for ongoing work opportunities.

  • We organize transportation routes, even during quarantine periods.

  • We arrange for insurance.

  • We oversee the living conditions of models and address any issues that may arise during work.

Our offers are relevant and promise substantial earnings. Agency vacancies for women are exclusive to the fashion and entertainment industry.

Prestige Model Agency – FAQs and Answers:

Women can earn between 2,000 and 6,000 euros per month under a contract. Such earnings can be challenging to achieve in Ukraine or Russia, making it a profitable and prestigious opportunity to collaborate with us. Importantly, we do not charge fees to the girls for consultation or other services.

Our services are paid for by employers, not job seekers.

  • Experience Required?

No, not always. While certain skills may be required for dancers and singers in Turkey, we have numerous opportunities for girls without prior work experience. For instance, hostess positions for consumption and modeling are open to those seeking to gain experience and discover their true calling.

  • Contract Terms and Guarantees

When you enter into a contract with an employer through our agency, you’ll receive a guarantee of payment and favorable working conditions. Our managers conduct personal inspections of living conditions, maintain continuous communication with the girls, and resolve any issues that may arise during the work process. In case an employer decides not to continue with a girl after signing the contract, we will compensate for the difference in the agreed amount and swiftly secure a new contract.

  • Is Language Proficiency Important for Modeling Abroad?

Language proficiency is not a strict requirement for many positions available to Russian-speaking girls. While knowledge of foreign languages like English and Turkish is beneficial, it is not a mandatory condition for cooperation. All specifics are prearranged, and our managers will find a vacancy that suits your language capabilities.




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Prestige Model Agency 5 308

Questions and answers

First, the girl fills out a questionnaire, where she indicates her preferred country and area of activity.

Agency managers select suitable vacancies based on external data of the girl and her preferences indicated in the questionnaire.

Agency managers will talk about the specifics of work in each club and each country. 9 out of 10 specialists themselves worked as artists and hostesses from the agency, and are familiar with all the features, pluses, minuses and nuances of work firsthand.

The girl is provided with data on available vacancies and detailed information about employers BEFORE employment - you choose the option for yourself.

During the contract, the girl will not be left “to her fate”: the manager will help solve almost any problem (from everyday nuances to in the spirit of poorly functioning heating in the apartment before the selection of translation options, if for some reason the work “did not work” in the selected club).

When going to work abroad, girls often worry about their safety.

  • Are you sure this isn't intimate?
  • Are you sure this isn't slavery?
  • You don't trade people?

These questions are often asked by first-time dancers or hostess in a foreign nightclub.

We answer.

Definitely “No” to all three questions.

We guarantee 100% safety for all girls and we really can.

Prestige Model Agency exists and successfully works at the international level for more than 10 years.

We have employed several thousand girls, the agency is represented at prestigious beauty contests.

The agency values its reputation and is not interested in illegal ways of working.

Prestige Model Agency is registered in the UK, the office is located in London - everything is official and extremely transparent. Each girl works only legally under an official contract. This document contains all the data of the employer, as well as working conditions.

Our specialists check all contracts and control their execution - both from the side of the club and from the side of the girl.

A manager works with each girl. Even at the stage of choosing a vacancy, you will know the manager in person, you will know his passport data and will be able to check whether the real person is working with you. This manager will accompany your contract until its completion 24/7. You can turn to him in any situation.

In all contracts of our models, sex is strictly prohibited.

Our customers include legal entertainment establishments from all over the world. We carefully check every club we work with.

When choosing a job in a club abroad, it is naive to believe that everyone around you will understand your native language. Ignorance of the language is often the main barrier to the life that every traveler dreams of. But this does not mean at all that if in your school years you “wasted your time in foreign lessons”, now everything is lost for you. Work abroad on consummation without knowledge of spoken English(Turkish, Italian, French, German, etc.) IT IS POSSIBLE!

Although, of course, having at least a basic level of training, you will feel much more comfortable as a hostess. It is pointless to hide this fact.

So what to do? If it suddenly happened that your language level is not enough or you are simply not sure that you can handle it, start with preparation. Yes, yes, it was not the Gods who burned the pots, as they say! It's never too late to learn. There are a huge number of paid and free sources, courses and tutorials where you can improve your knowledge. Registration on a foreign dating site can also help in the practical application of knowledge. And also - in further work on consumption)) just correctly indicate your location and "prepare the ground")) For example, if you are going to conquer Istanbul - choose a location somewhere in its open spaces and wait for a flurry of messages) Merhaba, dear!))

Second, in order to work in a consummation club, girls do not need to communicate on highly intellectual topics and parry in business terms. On the contrary, the simpler, the often better! Keep in mind that most of the guests, when communicating in English, are not native speakers of this language and, due to their gender, it is extremely uncomfortable for them to feel their gaps in knowledge in front of such a beautiful lady. Express yourself simply, let the guest feel that he is cooler and you will be happy.

Third - the environment is conducive. It's just how it works when everyone around speaks a language other than your own, if you want - if you don't want to, talk. And this rule applies to everyone without exception. Having gone on a contract, do not limit yourself to communicating exclusively with fellow countrywomen, go out to people, get to know the locals, believe me, an open sincere smile affects everyone.

Well, the fourth is work abroad as a club hostess models are about mood. And it is much easier and easier to communicate on a primitive level with a cheerful, kind and smiling girl, how you look and how you treat guests is a much more important point. The factor of key importance is how READY you are in principle to learn and COMMUNICATE, do not be shy about your mistakes, make them your priority areas and remember, the courage to be funny decorates you

Consumption is an entertainment service for young girls in nightclubs and establishments. Consumation girls are called Hostess. The duties of the Hostess at consummation include communication with a male guest of a club or bar.

How consummation happens

Remember yourself in the club as a guest. You are a beauty, you were going to the mirror for 3 hours - makeup, manicure, hairstyle and stunning outfit. And so you come to the club, dance, behave at ease, smile. A guy comes up to you and buys a cocktail. What are you doing?Communicating with this man while drinking a margarita or champagne. He really likes to chat with you, and he orders again. So this is the real consummation. Only when it happens in ordinary life, the motives of this guy are unknown, and apart from nightly adventures and a morning hangover, you get nothing. When this work, then everything is very clear. The guest comes to the club to take a break from work and family everyday life and routine. He knows where and why he is going and how much he is willing to spend. What he needs from you is not sex for a couple of glasses of sparkling wine, he just wants to chat with a nice interesting girl, forget about problems, relax, treat her with drinks. And you get paid. And the more you like, the more the guest orders and the higher your percentage. Salaries are quite high, especially for girls from the CIS countries who have never seen such money in their homeland. On average, a girl earns from $2,000 a month without much effort.

But you still need to understand that consumption is work, not entertainment , and there are some nuances.

Firstly, you need to be able to present yourself so that the guest has no doubts that you are decent and interesting. Do not invite uninteresting girls will, and accordingly, it will be unprofitable for the club to keep a girl who does not bring profit to the club. And the boss can reduce the rate or even fire him.

Secondly, you need to be able to strike up a conversation and listen carefully to the guest. With all this, it is necessary to understand why the guest came to the club. Sometimes a man comes to pour out his soul. It happens. Someone to chat with a beautiful girl, someone to stare at the show. You just need to listen to someone and smile, laugh with someone and watch videos on Youtube or dance. Therefore, each guest needs his own approach.

Thirdly, consummation is a story more about alcohol. Many people do not like that the girl does not drink. Therefore, you need to understand that sometimes you have to do this. But there are always tricks. Somewhere you can drain, somewhere you can ask the bartender not to pour a lot of alcohol.

Fourthly, some girls do not know how to take tips, gifts or accept compliments from men. They begin to blush and are shy, others behave like beggars. Balance is needed everywhere. Train your femininity. A true woman should be able to accept presents, elegantly hint at her "Wishlist", flirt innocently and be inaccessible at the same time. Let a man take care of you.

This is all the "wisdom" of consummation. As you can see, there is nothing terrible and reprehensible here. Consumation has nothing to do with intimacy.

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